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Publication director: Kate Philipps. Editorial director: Alexandre Keller. Editor-in-chief and project coordinator: Mathilde Enixon. Written by: Alexia Attali, Amandine Buttigieg, Christopher Constans, Benjamin Damgé, Mathilde Enixon, Camille Mahuzier, Roxane Merrienne, Justine Moretti, Élodie Pages.

Design and production Digital Version: Terre de Sienne & Rezo Zero

Photo credits:

Cyril Abad / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Editorial of Frédéric Verger
Aurélie Lamachère / Safran

Adrien Daste / Pierre Soissons / Laurent Hazgui – Capa Pictures / Christian Shirima / Safran

MBSE: an increasingly popular method for optimizing complex systems
Cyril Abad / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Interview with Absa Mare, Eric Dubois, Sebastien Aerberli
iStock / Julien Hazemann / Hans Lucas / Safran

Diagnostic 4.0 paves the way for digital transformation on the shopfloor
Cyril Abad / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Connected equipment paves the way for Manufacturing 4.0
Christian Fleury / CAPA Pictures / Safran

MES: optimized, paperless production thanks to digital solutions
Lucile Bernard / Safran

Decarbonizing aviation: SFCO2 moves to AWS Cloud
iStock Photo / Tokarsky

Collibra: democratizing access to data
Simon Anki / Rodolphe Alary

FAIRE project: immersive learning with virtual reality
Adam Wiseman / Safran

Safran Engineering Services supports rollout of augmented and virtual reality
Pierre Soissons / Diota / Safran

Learn more by video and podcast

At a glance
Rodolphe Alary / Christel Sasso – Capa Pictures / Le Creusot Photo – Rodolphe Alary / Ophélia Almeida / Adrien Daste / Safran