January 2023

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Publication director: Kate Philipps. Editorial director: Alexandre Keller. Editor-in-chief and project coordinator: Mathilde Enixon. Written by: Amandine Buttigieg, Camille Debain, Annabelle Gaillot, Inés Hamour, Emmanuelle Hutin, Camille Mahuzier, Morgane Palacios, Élodie Pages, Jules Plantard, Bénédicte Tilly.

Design and production Digital Version: Terre de Sienne & Rezo Zero

Photo credits:

Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Editorial of Alexandre Ziegler
Christel Sasso / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran – Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran

COMAC C919 certification: spotlight on the LEAP-1C propulsion system
WangJiLiang – Jeff Lenorovitz / Safran - COMAC – Safran

Teams readying for LEAP ramp-up in India and China
Patrick Wack / CAPA Pictures / Safran - Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran - Benjamin Geffroy / Safran

Overview of Safran facilities in Southeast Asia
Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran – Rezo Zero

Safran Data Systems expands in India with Captronic Systems
AdobeStock - Safran

Valérie Patuel: “Making our mark in Southeast Asia”
© Usine Nouvelle - DB&B Pte Ltd

Digit: Focus on two new IT campuses in India
Sephi Bergerson / CAPA Pictures / Safran - Christel Sasso / CAPA Pictures / Safran

Learn more with these videos
Aurélia Blanc / Safran

News from the Safran community
Sephi Bergerson / CAPA Pictures / Safran - Event U Rox / Safran