January 2023
Zoom 3 Min.

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New Safran facilities inaugurated in Hyderabad, India

On July 7, 2022, Safran inaugurated two production facilities in Hyderabad, India: a Safran Aircraft Engines site for the production of rotating parts for the LEAP engine, and a Safran Electrical & Power site for the production of wiring for LEAP engines and harnesses for the Rafale fighter. Here’s a video that looks back at the event, which was attended by Olivier Andriès, Safran CEO, and Sri K Taraka Rama Rao, Minister for Industry & Commerce in India’s Telangana region.

Presenting Safran Cabin in Thailand

Safran Cabin has two production facilities in Thailand: the Lamphun site, specialized in the design and manufacture of onboard catering systems, and the Bangkok site, which makes cargo loading systems, including containers and pallets (and repair services). At the Bangkok site, Safran Cabin recently brought on-stream a new state-of-the-art building to house its cargo loading systems production facilities. Safran Cabin staff in Thailand produced two videos to present their workplace as part of the “Reveal your site” challenge. Check them out!

Safran in China

Safran has established a solid presence in China over the past 40 years. More than 2,000 people now work at some 20 sites, including four exclusively owned or joint venture production plants, three MRO facilities, a training center, an R&T joint venture and several service subsidiaries. Not to mention our sales support teams who provide services to local customers. Enjoy this video tour of our Chinese facilities!

Solar panels installed at the Suzhou, China site

In October 2022, the Suzhou site shared by Safran Landing Systems and Safran Aircraft Engines finished the first phase of a photovoltaic (PV) panel installation project on the rooftops and parking lot. Once complete, the installation will cover an area of 32,000 square meters (345,600 sq. ft), providing up to 3 MWh of electricity, equivalent to 6-10% of the site’s total requirements.