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The digital transformation in action: feedback from the field

Employees, customers, suppliers, partners – just about everybody benefits from our digital transformation. Here’s what some of them have to say.

Matthieu Gaulon

EVP Support & Services Safran Transmission Systems (until Sept. 2022)

“As part of Safran Transmission Systems’ MRO supply chain, since January 2022 we’ve been teaming up with PELICO, a startup that offers an ERP(1) data analysis solution to boost our operating performance. Working with this kind of startup is a real digital catalyzer! Their solution helps prevent wasting resources, especially our employees’ skills, since it means they can focus on higher value-added tasks. Safran Transmission Systems is a good test lab. We’ve already seen improvements in productivity, especially a better on-time delivery rate. At the same time, introducing this tool into a mechanical workshop helps us attract top new talent.”

Safran Transmission Systems is a good test lab: we’ve already seen improvements in productivity!

The PELICO project won the Safran Innovation Award 2022 in the "Digital Transformation" category


Fernando Medina

Digital transformation director, Interconnection Systems Americas Division Safran Electrical & Power

“I’ve been working as digital transformation director for more than six months now. This role was created to invest in the future and digitize our processes and tools. Having already worked for Safran Engineering Services, I saw the opportunity to bring together engineers, IT and production specialists on these topics. We’re pooling our efforts to take advantage of all the data generated by our engineering and operations teams worldwide, as well as our customers, to optimize its use and drive significant improvements in our factories. Since most stakeholders are co-located in Chihuahua, we develop, test and deploy our solutions here, standardize them for application at other division facilities, and then share them within the company.”

We’re pooling our efforts to take advantage of all the data generated by our engineering and operations teams worldwide, as well as our customers, to optimize its use and drive significant improvements in our factories.

Christian Shirima

Maintenance engineer Precision Air Services (Safran Landing Systems customer)

“A few months ago, Precision Air Services had to renew the certification of our Wheels and Brakes center by the local authorities. But it was impossible to go there at the time because of travel restrictions. Thanks to Safran Landing Systems’ Landing Life support services, we adopted a distance learning solution, supported by “Expert Link” digital assistance. We then reviewed the Component Maintenance Manual with the instructor, who detailed the main maintenance tasks and shared recommendations. We learned a lot this way. I was highly satisfied with the flexibility and effectiveness of this service, which perfectly fitted our needs.”

I was highly satisfied with the flexibility and effectiveness of this service, which perfectly fitted our needs.

(1) ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning, an integrated software package that more efficiently manages the processes in a company (finance, HR, production, supply chain, services, purchasing, etc.).