July 2023
Snapshots 3 Min.

Our committed employees speak out

Many of our Safran employees are active in associations, working for causes close to their hearts. Read their testimonials!

Ashlie Bagley

Interconnection Systems Americas Human Resources Director, Safran Electrical & Power

“The relationship between Safran Electrical & Power Denton and United Way goes back a long way. United Way helps local families, veterans and the homeless, and advocates for overall mental health. We support all these causes through annual employee workplace campaigns. I spent six years on the board of directors. Through giving money and volunteering time, team members know that they’re helping their family, neighbors and friends in a concrete and local way. Personally, I really enjoyed being involved in the racial equity initiative and strategic planning of a nonprofit organization. For the company, it’s also the assurance of reinforcing our employer brand.”

Through giving money and volunteering time, team members know that they’re helping their family, neighbors and friends in a concrete and local way.

Sharmica Ravinesan

Head of the industrial investments project at Safran Transmission Systems, volunteer with the nonprofit, Envol

“I’ve been involved with Envol since 2018. It’s a nonprofit that supports the psychosocial development of ill children and their families, by designing and organizing appropriate programs based on recreational therapy.

“When I was in engineering school, I joined an association, Pégase, that organized fun science classes for children in elementary schools, hospitals and in Senegal.

“Once I started working, I missed this kind of community involvement, so when I heard about Envol I joined up! As a member of this association, I give sick children recreational therapy. I help them push their limits and encourage them to have fun and forget their illness. It’s also an opportunity to talk to them about my job and tell them about aerospace. Last year, we even met the famous French astronaut, Thomas Pesquet!”

This engagement is critical for my work-life balance. Everything I learn at work I can share with my students – and vice versa!