July 2023
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News from the Safran community

Brief tour of community engagement initiatives at Safran.

Skills-based volunteering

Volunteering your skills to engage with society

Use your expertise and experience to help a charity or community project during worktime? Yes you can! Skills-based volunteering(1) allows colleagues to apply their professional and personal know-how to support a worthy social cause and build bridges between the company and the wider community. There are two ways you can do this. You may already know a nonprofit organization that could use your talents. Or you can sign up to one of the missions posted on Insite. Assignments vary in duration and are located near our sites. Take Pascal Augé, for example, an IT project manager. He’s been donating his time and using his professional skills to help a genealogy charity just north of Paris called AGFG de Franconville. Pascal has been a member of the charity for seven years, and once a week for the last two years, he’s been helping it go digital.

(1) Open to employees in France (it’s called “mécénat de compétences” in French).


Go Safran Engage

Go Safran Engage: a socially responsible challenge

For several months, life at Safran has been punctuated by a large-scale collective challenge called Go Safran Engage. Echoing the company’s Engage for the Future CSR strategy, this light-hearted competition between teams has inspired new momentum, strengthening cohesion between colleagues and fueling a healthy sense of rivalry. Go Safran Engage has won the hearts of nearly 8,800 colleagues, who’ve been showing off their sporting and intellectual talents in a whole range of contests and quizzes. Two collective solidarity initiatives were especially and brilliantly successful. Together, colleagues covered a total of 2,306,400 kilometers (1.4 million miles), equivalent to three round trips to the Moon and back! Thanks to their efforts, 22 nonprofits received donations. The mobile app has been widely adopted, with over 70,000 answers to the 90 regular quizzes and over 335,000 boosts sent to colleagues across all teams. Fun, engagement and solidarity are the driving force behind the Go Safran Engage challenge!


“Go Safran Engage”: the winners visit the Paris Air Show

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Safran Foundation for Music

Safran Foundation for Music: a springboard for aspiring virtuosos

Since 2005, the Safran Foundation for Music has supported talented young people set to become leading figures in the world of classical music in the years ahead. The Foundation provides support for their aspirations, including scholarships, funding for first recordings and grants to cover living expenses as they prepare for specific projects. Since the Foundation was created, nearly 190 young upcoming artists and chamber music ensembles have been discovered and supported. Most of them have gone on to great things, with some achieving international recognition. In 2022, the Foundation supported 22 projects by young solo artists. For the first time, a conductor was among the chosen few. A public competition is also held each year to award the Safran Foundation for Music Prize.

To keep up to date with the Foundation, join the Foundation for Music community on Yammer and get all the latest news on Insite!


Safran Foundation for Integration

Safran Foundation for Integration working for youth

In line with our corporate citizenship approach, Safran supports projects for disabled and disadvantaged young people through our Foundation for Integration. These projects are part of Safran’s commitment to community engagement, which we continue to pursue every day.

Since its inception in 2005, the Safran Foundation for Integration has supported more than 340 projects, which have provided lasting solutions to the professional and social integration difficulties faced by teenagers and young adults. The Foundation’s mission is to help young people with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds. It encourages initiatives and seeks to strengthen social ties and foster equal opportunities through various areas of involvement — employment, housing, culture, sport and leisure, etc. — working with nonprofits such as Entourage, Linkedout and Fratrie.


Learn more about Patronage and Corporate foundations

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Mental health

Mental health at work: Safran’s efforts hailed in the UK

In May, Safran Seats UK won the award for best wellbeing initiative presented by specialist human resources organization CIPD Wales. A fantastic mark of recognition for the achievements of the Safran Seats UK Health and Wellbeing Committee. The award recognizes a strategy that has been developed and implemented since March 2022. It’s based on four pillars: mental health, corporate social responsibility, financial wellbeing and physical health. A whole raft of actions has been pursued on each front to improve working conditions for employees. The company clearly signaled its commitment during Mental Health Awareness Week, with a program of stress management exercises, workshops on improving personal resilience and an awareness campaign on social media, all run by members of the Safran Seats UK team.

Safran Nacelles has also made mental health a priority in the United Kingdom. Since 2018, its Burnley site has been rolling out a wellness program for colleagues called You Matter. Designed by human resources teams, it offers a variety of actions to improve their mental wellbeing. The program includes training, awareness actions and presentations by representatives of Unum Help@Hand, an organization helping companies support their employees. And that’s not all. Colleagues can also call on mental health carers and specialist first aid teams trained by the organization MHFA England. Courses are funded by Safran Nacelles. These services are available to anyone who would like a confidential, one-to-one consultation.


Find out the module about psycho-social risk factors

See the MOOC