July 2023

Editorial by Charlotte Dieutre

VP CSR, Diversity and Inclusion

Helping people into the workforce, health, sport, environmental protection, mentoring and volunteering in all its forms — Safran is resolutely committed to corporate citizenship, which underpins our CSR strategy alongside three other major pillars: decarbonizing aviation, acting as an exemplary employer and embodying responsible industry.


etting involved in the local community, acting for the greater good and thinking about our obligations and how we can engage beyond our business operations are just some of the challenges you’ve been taking up. This strong commitment is measured annually using an indicator that tracks the corporate citizenship efforts you’ve been pursuing at each Safran site.

Our corporate citizenship policy is built around three ideas. First, we need to go beyond our position as an industry player to become part of the bigger collective picture, honor our civic role and take concrete actions to meet the challenges facing society today. Second, we must also contribute to the economic wellbeing of the broader society in which we operate, because our own performance as a company depends on it. And third, each and every one of us as individuals must take care of the ecosystem in which we live. It’s our personal responsibility as employees and citizens.

In this issue of One, we look at some of the many initiatives our colleagues are proudly engaged in — and which give ever greater meaning to our professional lives.

Charlotte Dieutre
VP CSR, Diversity and Inclusion

"Engage for the future": find out in a video the view of employees on CSR

Watch the video