July 2023

Safran, a responsible corporate citizen

VP CSR, Diversity and Inclusion

Helping people into the workforce, health, sport, environmental protection, mentoring and volunteering in all its forms — Safran is resolutely committed to corporate citizenship, which underpins our CSR strategy alongside three other major pillars: decarbonizing aviation, acting as an exemplary employer and embodying responsible industry.

  • Military 4 min.

    Safran is supporting both reservists in France and veterans in the United States. In France, Safran signed an agreement with the Ministry of Defense to support its military reserves policy, while in the United States, the company is raising funds for veterans and their nonprofit organizations. We asked two stakeholders in these initiatives to explain these commitments.

  • Sport 3 min.

    Safran is encouraging employees to stay fit through sport and at the same time to support nonprofits promoting public health through physical activity. We talked to Dr Agnès Martineau-Arbes, corporate health coordinator.

  • Education 3 min.

    From France to India and the United States, from pupils in elementary school to young people in deprived areas, and especially girls, Safran is pursuing philanthropic projects to promote education for various categories of people just about everywhere in the world. Here’s a brief overview of these varied and complementary initiatives.

  • BACK TO WORK 4 min.

    In addition to programs to help young people enter the workforce, Safran is also committed to making it easier for those returning to work.

  • Innovation 3 min.

    Combine employee-driven innovation with community action — that’s the principle behind employee-driven philanthropy, which is being adopted by a growing number of Safran companies. Here are just a few examples of the many initiatives taking place…

  • Environment 3 min.

    At a time when the environment is becoming an ever more pressing issue around the world, Safran people are stepping up to take part in specific actions. These are fully in line with one of the pillars of the Group’s CSR strategy: sustainably engage with our local communities and contribute to their development.

  • Snapshots 3 Min.

    Many of our Safran employees are active in associations, working for causes close to their hearts. Read their testimonials!

  • At a glance 1 Min.

    Brief tour of community engagement initiatives at Safran.