November 2021


Group companies are rolling out a wide range of initiatives, with innovative approaches designed to meet the low-carbon challenge. Here we take a closer look at a few of these actions.


afran companies have launched a number of employee-driven initiatives to help reduce the carbon footprint of our facilities and our products. Just to mention a few: “And what have you decarbonized lately?” at Safran Helicopter Engines; the “World Climate Challenge” at Safran Landing Systems; the “Darwin Challenge” at Safran Electronics & Defense; the “Low Carbon IP Challenge” at Safran Nacelles and Safran Aircraft Engines; “Sustainable Development Week” at Safran Transmission Systems; “Mejoralo” at Safran Querétaro and “Low Carbon Month” at Safran China.

One of Safran’s top priorities is to ensure a successful transition to decarbonized aviation – and the energy transition starts at home! Employee-driven innovation generates many practical improvement ideas, as shown by the success of the new “Low carbon” category in this year’s Safran Innovation Awards (click here to see the winners for 2021). A number of high-quality projects were submitted in the new category this year.

World Climate Challenge

Over and above the Innovation Challenge, our companies outdid themselves with creative actions to raise employee awareness about climate change, get them involved and collect their ideas. For instance, Safran Landing Systems launched the “World Climate Challenge” in June 2021. This in-house innovation contest was designed to spotlight the decarbonization of Safran Landing Systems’ own activities by focusing on two areas: people’s daily actions and products. Employees from 16 different company facilities – starting in Asia, then Europe and now the Americas – were asked to submit their ideas, and then vote for their favorites on Insite. The winners in the three regions will be announced by the Management Committee in early February 2022.


“And what have you decarbonized lately?”

Safran Helicopter Engines organized another global challenge, dubbed, “What have you decarbonized lately?”, kicking off in late November and running for two weeks. Employees were asked to submit ideas, and those that could be applied directly will be listed in an energy savings “Green Book” in early 2022. For ideas that were considered promising, but were more complicated or would take longer to apply, support from innovation staff was offered so that the submitting team could promote their project to the judging panel, prior to a possible deployment at company sites. It’s worth noting that Safran Helicopter Engines has set a very ambitious objective of reducing emissions by 50% of 2018 levels by 2025.

As this wide variety of collective initiatives shows, the innovation culture at Safran continues to go from strength to strength despite the ongoing Covid crisis


Group Climate Challenge, final stretch

How is climate change affecting Safran’s business? What about our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions? What is Safran doing to meet the challenges of the energy transition? Take part in the new Safran University Challenge to test your knowledge of these and other issues involved in climate change. via a series of quick quizzes on the 360Learning platform. All your points will be converted into donations to support a reforestation project. You have until December 22 to take the Challenge, and the winners will be announced on Insite.

More information on the Climate Challenge
