November 2021

All about Safran’s low-carbon strategy

Safran Vice President Climate

The massive support for the COP26 meeting in November 2021 reflected the extent and the urgency of the transition needed to tackle climate change.

  • Success

    Group companies are rolling out a wide range of initiatives, with innovative approaches designed to meet the low-carbon challenge. Here we take a closer look at a few of these actions.

  • Best practices

    Reducing Scope 2 of Safran’s emissions within our low-carbon strategy covers all aspects of energy savings at our sites. Building upgrades, consumption monitoring and green electricity contracts are just three ways we can consume smarter and waste less. Our new “energy management system”, initiated in October, is inspired by the many initiatives underway at Safran companies.

  • Connection

    Safran has a long-standing presence in the Asia Pacific region, with no fewer than thirty sites currently. Since the launch of our Low Carbon Plan in 2018, employees across the region have rolled out a host of initiatives to achieve the Group’s ambitious goal of cutting CO2 emissions by 30% by 2025.

  • Interview

    Janelle Bronaugh, Safran Electrical & Power's new HSE manager in the United States, presents her job and the actions underway at Safran Electrical & Power, while shedding light on the challenges of global warming in the United States.

  • Vision

    The shift to sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) is an important part of Safran’s Low Carbon Plan — because engine ground tests generate a significant proportion of our overall emissions. It’s also a major component of the broader industry strategy to decarbonize air transport. We look at progress on the studies and trials being conducted to adapt our engines to these clean new fuels.

  • Photo Report

    The Safran Additive Manufacturing Campus, near Bordeaux, consolidates the research, development, prototyping and production of 3D-printed parts at a single site. It gives Safran all the resources needed, both human (experts, designers and production staff, grouped for rapid upskilling) and industrial (state-of-the-art machines) to accelerate its capabilities in additive manufacturing.

  • Innovation

    The annual Safran Innovation Awards ceremony was held in November to honor the winners of this employee-driven innovation program, which is open to everyone who works for the Group. Hosted as a digital event this year, the ceremony presented the 24 short-listed teams and the winners in the seven categories, selected by members of the Safran Executive Committee.

  • Interview

    As part of Safran’s low-carbon strategy and in line with our CSR commitments, the corporate Digital and IT department has launched the Green IT Plan to foster more sustainable digital uses by reducing carbon emissions from our IT systems and cloud-based services.

  • Perspective
  • At a glance