April 2023

Safran tackles tomorrow’s markets

Safran Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy, R&T and Innovation

Innovation is an integral part of Safran’s DNA. For more than 125 years now, we’ve designed and developed the technologies that shape the future and allow us to seize new opportunities. This proven ability to innovate is fundamental for a company like Safran.

  • FCAS 3 min.

    On December 15, 2022, the French, German and Spanish governments announced the contract award to Dassault Aviation, Airbus Defense & Space, Indra and EUMET (European Military Engine Team) for the next phase of the Future Combat Air System (FCAS).

  • Program 3 Min.

    Safran’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 calls for a technological revolution. At stake: a single-aisle commercial jet with new, ultra-efficient engines that would enter service by 2035. This ambitious goal is being pursued through CFM’s RISE program, to which all Safran companies are contributing.


    Safran Landing Systems has already achieved a step change in weight and reliability with the development of the electromechanical actuator, or EMA. Along with its state-of-the-art electric brakes, Safran Landing Systems will soon be offering all-electric solutions for nose landing gear steering and extension-retraction.

  • E-TAXIING 3 min.

    Safran Landing Systems’ e-taxi system enables aircraft to taxi under their own electrical power, reducing CO2 and NOx emissions by up to 61% and 51%, respectively, during this phase.

  • Perspective 3 min.

    Crucial to national sovereignty and collaborative combat, resilient PNT (position, navigation and timing) helps maintain information superiority and data precision to protect military and civilian users alike.

  • Focus 3 min.

    The eDA40, Archer’s Midnight air taxi, or Flying Whales’ LCA60T may all seem somewhat futuristic, but in fact Safran’s engineers are already working on them. What’s our role in this new market segment? Dive into tomorrow’s world and discover some new air mobility platforms!

  • INTERIORS 3 min.

    Imagine yourself boarding a plane in 15 years. What will the interior look like? One watchword, already a priority today, is sustainability. From slimmed-down seats to eco-designed trolleys and overhead bins, these are some of the environmentally-friendly features you’ll see in the cabin of tomorrow.

  • Space 2 min.

    IRIS² is a constellation of satellites being built in the European Union to support member states’ secure communications. We turn the spotlight on a project that’s a strategic opportunity for Safran’s space business.

  • FUELS 4 min.

    You may soon be traveling in an airplane run on fuel made from used cooking oil! Safran is already working on sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), or biofuels, to reach the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Below, we take a closer look at how Safran is meeting this two-pronged technical and ecological challenge.

  • RESEARCH 2 min.

    Fiberoptic data acquisition or “fiber sensing” — currently being explored by Safran Tech and Safran Data Systems — could become a crucial technology for the Group. Here’s where we’re at with our research…

  • Snapshots 3 Min.

    Being part of the space business of the future requires colleagues to train, innovate, work together and provide mutual support around the world. We hear from three of them…

  • At a glance 1 Min.

    A panorama of news that’s shaping Safran’s future.

  • Zoom 3 Min.