March 2022
Story 6 MIN.


Safran’s new customer relationship management (CRM) project, dubbed “ConeCT” and launched in the first quarter of 2021, is one practical outcome of the digital transformation roadmap defined and coordinated by Frédéric Verger, Safran Vice President, Digital and Information Systems, in conjunction with the Executive Committee.

Safran’s CRM solution, ConeCT will allow us to more actively promote products and services to potential customers, while also identifying new market opportunities and increasing sales through a better understanding of customers’ needs,” explains Alexandre Ziegler, Senior Executive Vice President, International and Public Affairs, the project co-sponsor, along with Cédric Goubet, CEO of Safran Landing Systems.

A single channel to communicate with customers

Build around Microsoft Dynamics 360, ConeCT (Customers, one Connection Together) will facilitate, accelerate and strengthen interactions with our customers. Olivier Savin, the head of digital transformation for sales and support 4.0, explains: “ConeCT offers a real advantage in supporting contract bids and service proposals. Because of its shared model, ConeCT will facilitate information sharing, thus improving our understanding of customers and their needs.” The One Safran processes, “Sell” and “Delivering Service Support”, will be streamlined and automated, by calling on three modules from the Microsoft solution for sales (Opportunity Management), field service support and ticketing management in customer service centers, plus a customer support portal for a more direct and efficient relationship.

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A joint effort with Safran companies

“After working with various companies for a year, in early 2022 we’re starting the gradual rollout of the project across the Group,” adds Johann Rivat, ConeCT project manager at Safran.

Safran employees who are connected to the new CRM tool will enjoy a number of functions: prospect management, tracking of sales opportunities and all types of customer requests (technical, logistics, on-site services, etc.), monitoring actions and managing performance, measuring customer satisfaction, etc. All of this information will be stored in the cloud, in a reliable and secure structure that establishes firewalls between Group companies, accessible anywhere in the world, including while traveling, via PC, smartphone or tablet.

Once connected to the Microsoft toolbox and other information systems, ConeCT will become a customer data concentrator, offering an accurate and dynamic 360° vision to sales and support staff.

Karine Douarne, CRM Service Manager at Safran’s corporate IT department, explains the background: “Teams from corporate and company IT departments worked closely together to support this ambitious project and get it off the ground. Their cross-functional teamwork led to the first deployment of ConeCT at Safran Electrical & Power in January 2022, then at Safran Helicopter Engines and Safran Aero Boosters in February. Now we’re going to focus on providing close support for users, along with flexible management of change requests for the system. Going forward, we want to develop and lead a CRM community and support all users on a daily basis.”

Gradual rollout in 2022

Safran Electrical & Power is the project pilot, having deployed the Sales module at the end of January. Julie Carduner, the company’s project manager, shares her experience: “The sales and marketing managers from our five divisions now have a complete overview of our clientele, including operational history and scheduling, key contacts, current status of sales opportunities and actions under way. All of this means we will be much more efficient in managing business with our customers.”

Safran Landing Systems is currently rolling out CASIMIR (Customer And Services Incoming Messages Intelligent Router), which should be finalized during the first half of the year. “The aim of this solution is to use artificial intelligence to classify customer queries received by email and to automate processing as much as possible, mainly for price quotes, orders and tracking,” explains Aude Valentin, Supply Chain & Logistics officer, who’s in charge of the project. “We’ll be able to automatically process 2,500 queries a week! By using CASIMIR, our customer relationship managers can shift their attention to higher value-added actions for our customers. And once CASIMIR is integrated in ConeCT, these managers will be able to track progress on request processing in the CRM.”

Additional modules are being introduced at Safran Nacelles. “We’re already deploying a Ticketing module to manage customer support requests, and a customer portal should be available in 2022,” said Kevin Touellou, CRM project manager at Safran Nacelles. “During Q2, the Ticketing module will improve our teamwork, centralize customer data, manage their requests, etc., even before the portal goes live. The portal will be an even bigger step forward for both staff and customers, since it will have a single point of entry. In short, our objective is to improve how we work together so we can enhance customer satisfaction and tracking.” The customer portal module is already under study at Safran Nacelles and Safran Cabin, which would make them pioneers in this area.

At Safran Helicopter Engines, the first 360 module, called FLY, was launched in mid-February. Using the CRM’s personalized parameters, FLY will incorporate customer fleet data to manage sales forecasts for the short, medium and long term, while also managing the entity’s contracts. FLY is an innovative solution for Safran Helicopter Engines’ employees and customers alike. It will replace certain existing tools and also accelerate the digitalization of customer support at the company.

  • 4,000

    The number of Safran users ultimately concerned by this CRM project.

Everything you always wanted to learn about ConeCT, through Safran’s MOOCs

We offer two MOOCs to help you learn about our ConeCT CRM project and also familiarize you with Safran’s customer relationship management tools for your sales and support jobs. To sign up, just log onto the 360Learning platform and go to “Introducing the Safran CRM” and “Customer Relationship Management (CRM)”. (If you don’t already have an account at Safran University, click here.)

Digital transformation : strategic insights from Frédéric Verger
