March 2022

Editorial, by Olivier Andriès

Chief Executive Officer of Safran

Customer relationships, a vital asset on the road to recovery


ear colleagues,

We published our results for last year on February 24, showing our ability to meet the objectives we set a year ago. We can be very pleased with these results, since 2021 proved to be a difficult and challenging year, with new Covid variants slowing down the recovery.

These good results can be traced to our strategy. They reflect the Group-wide momentum that underpinned our performance, with a focus on decisive challenges including decarbonization, sovereignty and the digital transformation. As the first quarter of 2022 draws to a close, we’re ready to address the challenge of several different ramp-ups and keep pace with the recovery in air traffic.

We can count on our many strengths to meet these challenges. I’d like to spotlight one of these strengths in this issue, an especially vital asset under current conditions, namely our customer relationships.

Aircraft manufacturers, airlines, armed forces – our aim is to be the preferred partner to all customers, by delivering world-class products and services. The excellence of our customer relations is a key to Safran’s success. It’s also an innovation driver, one that continually inspires us to be worthy of our customers’ trust. While the customer relationship is ineluctably being reshaped by digitalization and other new technologies, it remains, more than ever, a vital asset on the road to recovery.

I hope you enjoy this latest issue.

Olivier Andriès,
Chief Executive Officer of Safran