March 2022
Perspective 10 MIN.


All about Sales and Support 4.0 at Safran

Safran’s digital transformation is a strategic priority.

One of the five main pillars of the transformation is Sales and Support. To learn more about the issues involved, we hear from Olivier Savin, VP Digital Transformation, Sales and Support 4.0.

Joint Improvement Plan with Airbus: a positive relationship of trust

CFM’s commercial engine Program and Quality teams have adopted a new approach to improve customer satisfaction with Airbus. The Joint Improvement Plan (JIP) has paved the way for implementing the key principles of our Quality For Trust goal. Insights from Marjolaine Grange, VP Quality, Improvement Initiatives and Digital Transformation; François Bastin, VP Commercial Engines Division; and Pascal Trochet, Airbus Customer Quality.

Landing Life: new customer support solutions

Safran Landing Systems launched Landing Life in October 2021 at its digital customer conferences, attended by 400 business partners. Landing Life is a single brand designed to clarify and promote the company’s full range of customer support services for landing gear, wheels, brakes and related systems. Leveraging new digital services, Landing Life ensures a responsive, reliable, cost-effective aftersales service, focusing on sharing expertise for an optimal customer experience.

APQP for improved customer satisfaction

The AS/EN9145 APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) standard is required by our customers to avoid errors, rather than having to fix them. This structured quality method reflects a new way of thinking that must be applied across all Safran processes to improve product performance and better control costs and lead times. Learn more about APQP with Jean-Paul Alary, CEO of Safran Aircraft Engines; Cédric Goubet, CEO of Safran Landing Systems; Vincent Mascré, CEO of Safran Seats; Jean-Jacques Orsini, Safran EVP for Technology; and Bruno Durand, Safran EVP for Production, Purchasing and Performance.

Best practices: “strict minimum” MRO disassembly at Safran Transmission Systems

Reducing repair costs helps keep engine maintenance costs under control, a key objective for Safran. Safran Transmission Systems MRO teams have therefore adopted a “strict minimum” method. And it’s a success, with customer satisfaction improved and new contracts signed.